

Allison Golsby


Allison is the Principal Engineer and CEO of ConsultMine, responsible for culture, strategic direction, growth and performance. She is honing business development skills by commercialising tourism, leadership and consultancy businesses alongside ConsultMine.  

As a seasoned industry strategist and business improvement specialist, Allison helps businesses and groups grow to the ‘next level’. Allison is deeply interested in unconscious bias and business practices in building resilient, sustainable, prosperous industries and businesses.

Allison holds Masters in Mining Engineering, Geomechanics, and Ventilation and is a Registered Professional Engineer accredited. Consolidating studies with an MBA, specialising in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Allison is a  dedicated  Justice of the Peace and actively participates in the Royal Association of Justices of Western Australia Council. She advocates for our industry through her involvement with AusIMM, MDEC, and industry spokesperson. Allison believes building resilient communities strengthens families, bolsters industry, and contribute to a better world.

Allison has a professional background as a published author, director, independent chair, and industry spokesperson.

Presentations by Allison Golsby
Breaking Barriers - Being Conscious about unconscious Bias
Breaking Barriers - Being Conscious about unconscious Bias
Allison Golsby